The Administration of the Guyana Conference of SDA.
The administrators are responsible for carrying forward the Adventist work in accordance with plans, policies and programs voted by the constituency and/or the Conference’s Executive Committee, which are in harmony with the higher organization, the General Conference.
Pastor Exton Clarke-President
The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Conference and has overall responsibility for the supervision of all aspects of the organization’s activities.
Pastor Jumoul Sancho-Secretary
The Secretary, associated with the President as an executive officer, serves under the direction of the Executive Committee and acts as Vice-Chairperson of the Conference Committee. The Secretary reports to the Executive Committee after consultation with the President.
Sister Rovena Harrinauth-Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible for providing financial leadership to the organization, which includes, but is not limited to, receiving, safeguarding and disbursing all funds in harmony with the actions of the Executive Committee.The Treasurer also is responsible for furnishing copies of the financial statement to the Caribbean Union officers.
Sister Debra Jupiter-Trotman- Assistant Treasurer
The Assistant Treasurer functions in the day to day role of Treasury Management and reports directly to the Treasurer.