Opening Hours :

MON-THU: 9:00AM-5:00PM
FRI: 9:00AM-12:00PM

Tel #

(592) 226-7702/3313/3302

Email Address

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is the relief arm of the Adventist Church. ADRA focuses on individual and community development and disaster relief through its five portfolios namely: Disaster Preparedness and Response, Economic Development, Primary Health, Food Security, and Education. ADRA operates in more than 125 countries worldwide seeking to “Change the world, one life at a time”. 

The ADRA Guyana Country Office currently operates several projects in various parts of the country. Projects currently implemented include HIV/AIDS, literacy, nutrition, agriculture, and sewing. Two projects to be implemented shortly are a potable well project in Amerindian communities in the interior of the country, and a Micro Enterprise Development Project designed to assist individuals and small groups to become self-sufficient. There are a number of project proposals, covering ADRA’s five portfolio areas, waiting to be funded. In this regard, ADRA will most gladly welcome sponsorship for these projects. Donors can contact the ADRA/Guyana Country Director to receive further details and discuss the sponsorship of a particular project further.

The ADRA is currently registered with the Companies Act of Guyana

ADRA Director: Elder John Joseph