Opening Hours :

MON-THU: 9:00AM-5:00PM
FRI: 9:00AM-12:00PM

Tel #

(592) 226-7702/3313/3302

Email Address

Director: Pastor Carolyn Brandon

The Department of Children’s Ministries is committed to equipping, facilitating and coordinating a broadening and deepening of the Church’s spiritual nurture of children, in order to draw them into a close relationship with Christ and commitment to the Church. The Department places emphasis on the areas of:

  • Grace-oriented Ministries
  • Inclusive Ministries
  • Leadership Ministries
  • Service-oriented Ministries
  • Cooperative Ministries
  • Safe Ministries

The Department jointly shares the responsibility with the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Departments in implementing the Sabbath School curriculum and in training leaders and teachers who work in various Children’s Sabbath School. The training is finally implemented by the Children’s Ministries Department.