Opening Hours :

MON-THU: 9:00AM-5:00PM
FRI: 9:00AM-12:00PM

Tel #

(592) 226-7702/3313/3302

Email Address

You can help the Guyana Conference by making a donation to us in the following ways.

Local ContributionsYou may contact our conference office at 222 Peter Rose & Lance Gibbs Streets, Queenstown, Georgetown, Guyana or contact us by phone.
International ContributionsOverseas-based Guyanese and friends who are desirous of assisting the work in Guyana can send their donations to the Inter-American Division as follows:

The Associate Treasurer,
Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Office Address:
8100 S.W. 117th Avenue,
Miami, Florida 33183-4827.

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 830518,
Miami, FL 33283-0518.

Phone: 1 (305) 403-4700
Fax: 1 (305) 403-4555

Your help is greatly appreciated by everyone in the our Conference.