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FRI: 9:00AM-12:00PM

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Sister Anetta Thomas has worked within the Publishing Ministry Department of the Guyana Conference of Seventh-day Adventist for over 15 years. During this period, her primary duties included: (1) working with members and challenging individuals to become Literature Evangelists. (2) Evangelizing the world through the distribution of the printed pages.
As the Associate Publishing Director her responsibilities are many. She is engaged in building a team of competent LES. (Colporteurs) and working with them on a one to one or personal level, to allow for their spiritual growth and all-round development.
During her tenure in the publishing department Ms. Thomas has seen an increase in the number of Literature Evangelists in the Publishing Department.
Through the Publishing Ministries strategies for evangelism with her involvement, the Guyana Conference Publishing Department recorded the highest amount of souls and sales for 2009. She was recognized by the Caribbean Union for this achievement. Sis Anetta possess the passion and zeal to work and engage the church to become faithful and committed in sharing the gospel to the world.
Ms Anetta Thomas has a strong desire to see many in Guyana use the printed pages as a reference point in these times.
She loves to listen to rich, comforting, and soothing gospel music and intends to become skillful in playing the piano.
Anetta Thomas shares a blissful marriage to the wonderful Terrence Thomas for 21 God blessed years. She nurtured 3 adult children and now enjoys the blessings of 4 grandchildren, who helps to keep her in tune with the new wonders of life and at the same time express the gift of love given by God.