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Sabbath School, Publishing Director & Maranatha Press Manager

Mark Andrew McPherson, was born on July 4th, 1979. He is married to Jenel McPherson.  After graduating from the Cyril Potter College of Education in 2001, he served in the public-school system for a period of six (6) years. It was during these formative years in the classroom that he received a strong desire and urging to the gospel ministry. Pastor Mark McPherson enrolled and later graduated from the University of the Southern Caribbean with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology in 2011. He is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Pastoral Ministry with an emphasis in Church Leadership and Administration at the Inter-America Theological Seminary.

Pastor McPherson joined the ranks of the ministerial workforce as a ministerial intern in 2011. He was given his first Pastoral assignment in 2013 to serve the Bartica Essequibo District, where he served for four years. In 2017 he accepted a call from the University of the Southern Caribbean and served as the Dean of Men for the Male Residence Hall. After serving for two (2) years he received and answered a call to return to the Guyana Conference of SDA as Publishing Director where he currently serves.

Pastor McPherson wants to be known by all as someone who is focused and intentional about living for the Lord. The advice he would offer to all is “Let us not be weary in doing good: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”