Opening Hours :

MON-THU: 9:00AM-5:00PM
FRI: 9:00AM-12:00PM

Tel #

(592) 226-7702/3313/3302

Email Address

 Rovena Harrinauth was born and raised in the village of Industry on the East Coast of Demerara.  She is the eldest of three children and is the holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from the University of Guyana. She is an ordained Elder at the La Bonne Intention (LBI) SDA church and has a passion for Sabbath School work.
Elder Harrinauth has extensive work experience in the private sectors of both Guyana and Barbados, acquiring banking experience, as well as management skills in the hospitality and tourism sector of Barbados.
As the Treasurer of the Guyana Conference she is responsible for giving sound financial guidance to the Administrative team and the Executive Committee on the financial performance of the organisation.
It can be said that Treasury Department is the nucleus of the organisation, since every other department of the Guyana Conference requires funding from the Treasury for the execution of their annual plans and programs. The success of these Departments is heavily dependent on the efficiency of the treasury to execute its mandate.
Elder Harrinauth’s motto is – “Because all things work together for good to those who love the Lord, I can do all things through Christ”. It is her desire to serve God and His church to the best of her ability and to follow where He leads.