Opening Hours :

MON-THU: 9:00AM-5:00PM
FRI: 9:00AM-12:00PM

Tel #

(592) 226-7702/3313/3302

Email Address

The Guyana Conference of Seventh dayAdventists hosted theCaribbean Union Publishing Safari on 10th &11th March. Many of our Directors,
Pastors, Literature Evangelists and Publishing Coordinators congregated at the Central SDA Church for this
life-changing and special institute, under the theme: “Cast Deeper- I will go”. Our facilitators/ Directors, Dr Moesi
Super of the IndiaOcean Division, Renisca Mutueel of the Curacao Conference, Judith Smith of the Caribbean Union and Pastor Rooseveldt
Haynes of the East Caribbean Conference, challenged the attendees to a deeper understanding and commitment toward Publishing Ministries in the local church. They also inspired our Literature Evangelists to see the relevancy of the Publishing Ministry to these times…2020 and beyond. We extend profound gratitude to our Administrators, Directors, Pastors,
Literature Evangelists, Coordinators and respective churches for their contribution and support.