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Who Are We?

In harmony with Bible revelation, Seventh-day Adventists see as the climax of God’s plan the restoration of all His creation to full harmony with His perfect will and righteousness.

Our Mission

Make disciples of Jesus Christ who live as His loving witnesses and proclaim to all people the everlasting gospel of the Three Angels’ Messages in preparation for His soon return (Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Rev 14:6-12).

Our Vision

"Every member growing in Christ and reflecting His image to the world for the expansion of the kingdom of God."

About Us

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Guyana is a community of believers who are committed to advancing the good news of salvation and to helping humanity discover the joy of the Living God. Find out more about our faith, mission and what makes Adventism meaningful for our society today.

Adventist Book Store

Knowledge the Key!


Health Care

Guyana Conference Of Seventh-Day Adventists

The Adventists Church in Guyana has a membership of over 62,000. We worship in 228 congregations which are distributed in 31 pastoral districts scattered across the 3 counties of the country.


Church Established







Upcoming Events

Help Stop COVID-19

Let's all play our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 today. You can play your part by: Washing your hands regularly, Wearing a mask when in public, Practicing social distancing and By following the instructions and guidelines of your local health advisory. The bible says "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 3 John 2 KJV.

News & Features

God loves beautiful things

“God loves beautiful things, and more than the beauty of nature, He loves a beautiful character. He wants us to grow in purity and simplicity—two things that make flowers lovely.” ( Steps to Jesus, pg.84) At the beginning of the new quadrennium, the Guyana Conference embraced several initiatives which would guide it’s projectsand programs throughout […]

The ambulance service is back.

Ambulance services are the primary providers of a 24/7 response to medical and trauma related emergencies.They provide a disciplined and organizedsystem, allowing timely response of appropriately qualified health care workers – often to potential or confirmed medical emergencies. The ambulance Service was recently relaunched and the Davis Memorial Hospital is ready to serve as the […]

Guyana Conference Publishing Safari

The Guyana Conference of Seventh dayAdventists hosted theCaribbean Union Publishing Safari on 10th &11th March. Many of our Directors,
Pastors, Literature Evangelists and Publishing Coordinators congregated at the Central SDA Church for this
life-changing and special institute, under the theme: “Cast Deeper- I will go”

Wisdom to Serve During Covid19-in Parima

God has given the leaders of the Parima Seventh-day Adventist Church, wisdom to nurture the community of Adventist believers and to sharethe message of salvation. Elder Orin Andries, from the Parima Village in the interior of Guyana writes. “It was a painful realization for us to know that we would not be able to follow the Conference sponsored Live Sabbath Worship and Adventist Youth Ministries

InVerse Bible Study Guide, the New Young Adult Quarterly

he InVerse Bible Study Guide has been developed to replace the Collegiate quarterly. It caters for young adults ages 18 – 35 years. In this guide, special focus is placed on a devotional Bible-study experience.

Harvest Ingathering 2020-Operation Flow

One of the ways in which the image of the church is generally tested, is through the response of citizens to our annual Harvest Ingathering Campaign. With the launching of the Operation Flow 2020 Ingathering Campaign, we have witnessed tremendous public confidence as our churches were able to ingather a total of $29, 892, 955, […]


  1. Photo of Mark McPherson

    Mark McPherson

    Sabbath School, Publishing Director & Maranatha Press Manager

  2. Photo of Olive Stephens

    Olive Stephens

    Human Resource Director

  3. Photo of Lennox Jason

    Lennox Jason

    Youth & Public Campus Ministries Director

  4. Photo of Andrew Chichester

    Andrew Chichester

    Director PM & Community Services

  5. Photo of Osley Edwards

    Osley Edwards

    Ministerial & Communications Director

  6. Photo of Carolyn Brandon

    Carolyn Brandon

    Education and Women's & Children Ministries Director

  7. Photo of Rovena Harrinauth

    Rovena Harrinauth


  8. Photo of Annette Thomas

    Annette Thomas

    Associate Publishing Director

  9. Photo of Naresh Lionel

    Naresh Lionel

    Director Cross Culture Missions

  10. Photo of Exton Clarke

    Exton Clarke


Our Ministries

The Guyana Conference of Seventh-day Adventist is proud to serve our country with 20 plus ministries. You can help our ministry and work by giving a gift to our conference. Your help is greatly appreciated by everyone in the Guyana Conference.

Popular Ministries

Asset 8 Health Ministries Community Services Women’s & Children Publishing Children Ministries Personal Ministries Youth Ministries Family Life