“God loves beautiful things, and more than the beauty of nature, He loves a beautiful character. He wants us to grow in purity and simplicity—two things that make flowers lovely.” ( Steps to

Ambulance services are the primary providers of a 24/7 response to medical and trauma related emergencies.They provide a disciplined and organizedsystem, allowing timely response of appropriately

The Guyana Conference of Seventh dayAdventists hosted theCaribbean Union Publishing Safari on 10th &11th March. Many of our Directors,
Pastors, Literature Evangelists and Publishing Coordinators

God has given the leaders of the Parima Seventh-day Adventist Church, wisdom to nurture the community of Adventist believers and to sharethe message of salvation. Elder Orin Andries, from the Parima

he InVerse Bible Study Guide has been developed to replace the Collegiate quarterly. It caters for young adults ages 18 – 35 years. In this guide, special focus is placed on a devotional

One of the ways in which the image of the church is generally tested, is through the response of citizens to our annual Harvest Ingathering Campaign. With the launching of the Operation Flow 2020